About Us


Mountain Area Christian Academy in Morganton, Georgia opened its doors in August 2000, after a whirlwind of divine providences, a welcoming church, and some dedicated families turned one couple’s hopes for a Christian academy into a reality.


It all started when Howell Teasley, a former Lockheed director, and his wife, Jane, a former high school teacher, retired to north Georgia and became active members of Morganton Baptist Church. An unexpected clause was discovered in a deed for the abandoned Morganton Elementary public school property that made the church the new owner of the neglected, three-building campus. The Teasleys, along with a group of parents who were then driving to a Christian school some distance from their homes, asked Morganton Baptist if they could renovate and use the abandoned campus as a Christian school. Following a meeting with the regional representative of the Association of Christian Schools International to see if the idea was even feasible, the church voted to allow a Christian school to lease the church-owned facilities. Howell Teasley was appointed administrator with his wife as co-administrator. The first chairman of the board was the Rev. George O’Brian. Chris Scoggins was elected vice chairman. Teri Bledsoe was voted secretary and her husband, Chris, became treasurer.

The response to the creation of Mountain Area Christian Academy was so enthusiastic that the school opened its doors already having enrolled 40 students with seven teachers on staff.


Our mission at Mountain Area Christian Academy is to glorify God by providing an educational program that is Christ–centered, Biblically based, academically excellent, and focused on equipping and encouraging our students to obediently fulfill God’s purpose for their lives.


We believe the Bible is the standard of all truth and knowledge and therefore, we are committed to teaching all subjects with God’s Word as the foundation. We believe it is our God-given responsibility to teach our students the traditional fundamentals of education as well as life skills that will prepare our graduates to establish goals, make decisions, and live a life centered on Christ and God’s glory.

We believe that parents are the ultimate authority over their children and therefore, they are accountable to God for the child’s spiritual and moral welfare. Mountain Area Christian Academy acknowledges the trust placed in us by our parents, and holds in high regard the authority of the home and home churches to teach those distinctive doctrines held in esteem by a family’s own local church and denomination.