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For good or ill, very few endeavors have a more far-reaching impact on our future than education. Mountain Area Christian Academy strives to provide the kind of education that will ground maturing young Christians in our only reliable source of truth, the Bible, toward our only salvation, Jesus Christ. We consider it an essential privilege to prepare maturing young Christians for every field of service in Christ’s kingdom—from their first steps until they “walk” at graduation.
More than Babysitting
(Ages 1-2)
Ready To Learn
(Ages 3-4)
Good Foundations
Tools and Transitions
The Finishing Touches
Sound in Spirit and Body
Beyond the Classroom
Since God’s Word is truth, any true education must rest its foundations on the Word of God in the Bible and Jesus. So at MACA, we pursue thoroughly Christ-centered, Bible-saturated methods, content, and goals for every aspect of our educational philosophy. We focus heavily on Christian formation in and out of the classroom. We provide Bible and apologetics classes to supplement and support our Christian worldview-infused curriculum. But students also attend weekly student-led chapel services and have the option of mission and service events to deepen their practical faith.
Through small class sizes, competent and creative teachers, and adaptable classrooms and curricula, we preserve the essential personalization necessary to make sure each child in our care receives the education most suited to his or her gifts and needs. Beyond this, our intervention and mitigation specialist assesses and monitors each student’s particular needs so that MACA can effectively serve a broad range of different learning and behavioral circumstances.
Education is about more than head knowledge. We want MACA graduates to leave our halls fully prepared for life, so we incorporate vocational training, enrichment, and discipleship into every academic journey. We offer a wide range of extracurricular activities and electives, and we encourage our students to hone their skills in the community through service projects, community gatherings, and mission work.
Because of our emphasis on adaptive learning and personalization, MACA encourages our teachers to develop and shape their own curricula. That said, we use textbooks from many trusted Christian academic publishers. A Beka Book is the primary publisher used in grades K5-5; while grades 6-12 use primarily Bob Jones University Press. Positive Action for Christ Bible curriculum is utilized in grades 4-12. Sometimes, we use secular teaching materials when necessary or beneficial, but always filtered through the overarching philosophy of biblical and Christ-centered education.
Yes, Mountain Area Christian Academy in Morganton, GA is a member of the American Association of Christian Schools (AACS) and fully accredited through the Georgia Association of Christian Schools (GACS), a charter member of the Georgia Private School Accrediting Commission (GAPSAC), which has been recognized and approved by the Georgia Board of Education and Georgia Board of Regents.
This means that MACA students, both current and transferring, have all the same rights and benefits as public school students in the state of Georgia, and will have no additional tests or requirements to graduate.
The Georgia Board of Regents has approved graduates from GACS accredited schools (which includes MACA) for entrance to colleges of the University System of Georgia (USG). However, individual colleges of the USG may place additional requirements, over and above those required for graduation by the Georgia Board of Education, on all students (from either public or private schools) applying to a particular college. Usually these requirements are based on the “Freshman Index” which is a combination of SAT scores and course grades from the student’s cumulative grade point average (GPA).
For this reason, we recommend that any student planning to attend a college or university of the USG contact that particular college or those colleges no later than the beginning of the junior year of high school to be assured that the student is on track to meet admission requirements. Information on the Freshman Index may be requested from any college or university belonging to the USG.
Graduates of schools which are candidates for accreditation, provisionally accredited, or fully accredited by the Georgia Association of Christian Schools are eligible for HOPE Scholarships on the same basis as are graduates from public schools in Georgia. Application for the HOPE scholarships may be made through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
The Accel Program allows 11th and 12th grade students to earn college credit through dual enrollment with Truett-McConnell College.